Marie-Claude Beaud
Les cahiers de Mudam n°2. Ed. par Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean (Mudam Luxembourg)

Above all, colour!
There is such jubilation in Frédéric Prat's painting that it communicates irresistibly with the viewer! The colour invades us at first sight and even obsesses us, the apparent repetition of shapes forcing us to find resemblances, as in a game. The subtle relationship that each element maintains with the background is omnipresent and delicately constructs a new painting alphabet during our encounter with the painting.
Like a choreographer, Frédéric Prat organizes the arrangement of the colours very precisely. The apparent spontaneity of each canvas is in fact the result of a very skilful work – all the more since the tools are reduced to a strict minimum: a canvas, a background, shapes and colours. This economy of means is ascetic and presents a lesson in painting for painting's sake in the midst of a very descriptive and micro-pop period, and that is a good reason to be joyful.