Elsa Lopez, 2020
Invisual Phenomenon

Your eye is struck by the chromatic atmosphere, by the elusive formulas that come from there. Your eye wonders what they are… seeks to know. It would like them to emerge once and for all, for them to finally make up their mind, but they won’t. So the eye ignores them, doesn’t want to know: frankly, there’s nothing extraordinary in all this. Shapelessness, nothing more.
What is shapeless annoys it.
Blinds it.
Your eye, emptied of its retina, feels the movement beneath the surface of the canvas. It lets itself be led by it, inserts itself into the trace, into the volume, slides down the layer of colours, fills in the background. And there, in the very depths of the picture, it senses the painter’s combat: deletion of the known, destruction of the figure, and the advent of pure emergence.

Your eye sees precisely where nothing is shown.